Fairfield Orthodontics Braces Invisalign CT

The Challenges of Metal Braces

Metal braces are the most common type for orthodontic patients. Even though metal braces are much smaller, flatter, and more comfortable than in the past they cause many lifestyle changes and challenges, such as difficulties when chewing or speaking. These may affect a person’s self-esteem as well. Metal braces require an orthodontist to place brackets… Continue reading The Challenges of Metal Braces

Braces: Do I Really Need Them?

People can benefit from orthodontic treatment at almost any age. Problems like crooked teeth, overbites, underbites, and jaw pain can often be corrected through orthodontics. While there are several treatment options depending on your circumstances, braces are one of the most popular and effective treatments. Esthetics And ConfidenceOftentimes, crowding, spacing, and protrusion make people feel… Continue reading Braces: Do I Really Need Them?